St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Elementary School annually has open admission for all students whose families desire a faith-based environment, high academic standards, and a commitment to social justice. No discrimination will be made as to race, creed or nationality among applicants.
The education of your child is a partnership between you and the school.
Therefore, those applying for admission should:
Seek involvement in leading a true Christian life
Commit to support the academic program with developing good communication with teachers & staff
Commit to support student behavioral policies
Commit to support student extra-curricular activities
Seek to become involved in parent social & fundraising activities

Tuition & Financial Aide
Our tuition for the 2022-23 school year will be $5,500.00. If necessity warrants, tuition amount is subject to change. We accept Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Vouchers for Cleveland residents and EdChoice vouchers for many suburban residents. To find out more information please contact us.

The enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year in grades K through 8 is 141. It is a student to teacher ratio of 13:1. After graduation, 94% of our graduates go on to attend Private or Catholic High Schools.
All employees and volunteers who have contact with students undergo thorough screening, including background checks through the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification (BC &I). For complete information on screening policies, see the revised Policy for the Safety of Children in Matters of Sexual Abuse, section 1.2 (p. 3)