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Click the teacher's name to open in your email 

Kindergarten: Mrs. Bokotey

Grade 1: Mrs. Reichard

Grade 2: Mrs. Suppel

Grade 3: Miss Battaglia

Grade 4: Mrs. StAndrassy

Grade 5: Mr. Biller

Grade 6: Mrs. McKay

Grade 7: Mrs. Matthews

Grade 8: Miss Toolis

Music: Mrs. Indovina

Phys. Ed.: Mr. Loya

Computer: Mr. Shamblin

Library and Art: Mrs. Kopp

Rita Basalla


Fr. Marek Visnovsky


Sharon Rayokovich

Office Secretary


Preschool & after school care director

School Info

Teacher Contacts

  • 4600 State Road, Cleveland, OH 441109 

  • Office Phone Number: 216-749-7980

All employees and volunteers who have contact with students undergo thorough screening, including background checks through the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification (BC &I). For complete information on screening policies, see the revised Policy for the Safety of Children in Matters of Sexual Abuse, section 1.2 (p. 3) 

St. Mary Byzantine Catholic School 
4600 State Road. Cleveland, OH 44109

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